making web apps with django and python [1]

making web apps with django and python [1]

how to start developing a web application with django


4 min read

I recently started following a youtube tutorial on how to make web apps with django and felt it would help if i journaled my whole journey here , for memory plus it could help someone maybe. I'll journal the whole journey from start to finish.

In this article we will learn how to :

  • setup a virtual environment for development.
  • start a django project.
  • Quick detour of files created .
  • run the project in your browser.

setting up a virtual environment for our project

the commands are the same for all operating systems Prerequisites:

Python3 [ nothing else just that].

  • Please refer to this for python3 installation.
    • Go on and open your terminal , let's type .
      python3 -m venv pykith_env
    • The above command creates a virtual environment called pykith_env, you can replace this with a name of your own choosing.
    • Now let's activate the virtual environment.
      source pykith_env/bin/activate
    • The virtual env you created is now active.
    • Create a folder for our project under a name of your choosing , I'll use blog_projects.
      mkdir blog_projects
    • Now change directory to the folder you just created.
      cd blog_projects

      Installing django starting your web application

    • Time to install django, Let's use pip for this.
      pip install django
    • Since django is now installed ,
    • Lets see what commands we now have available to us. Type django-dmin in the terminal.
    • If everything is working fine , you should get something like this:

Screenshot from 2022-10-06 22-23-51.png

  • those are the options we can use with the django-admin command, let's move on and use one of them to fire up our first project, we'll use the startproject option. Find a name for your project, I'll use pykith_project for mine.
    django-admin startproject pykith_project
  • We'll take a quick detour of the files in the newly created project folder pykith_project. You can use your file manager or IDE for this.
  • You'll find the following files created in the folder.

Screenshot from 2022-10-06 22-33-11.png

  • In the base directory, we have a file and a directory pykith_project.
  • We we'll use the file in future articles and down below when testing our web app in a browser.
  • The file will definitely be used for managing different settings for our web application.
  • handles rendering of files to the browser. wsgi in full is web site gateway interface I think.
  • Now change directory to the newly created dir pykith_project and run :
    python runserver

Screenshot from 2022-10-06 22-41-46.png

  • This will start the application on which is localhost , copy that url as it is in your terminal and paste it in your browser url bar to render the app.

Screenshot from 2022-10-06 22-44-26.png

  • If all is going well to this point , you should be able to see something like that with links to the documentation and a message denoting a successfull django installation.
  • Now we will trying going to a differnt location on the web app , the /admin/ route. This is all handled by the file from the files you saw previously created. Let's take a quick look at

Screenshot from 2022-10-06 22-50-46.png

  • From the code you see in the file, when we try to got to /admin, the file sends our request to admin.sites.url and the rest of the logic happens there.
  • Now go to the url you typed in your browser and add /admin. This should take you to the default admin login page for Django.

Screenshot from 2022-10-07 00-20-53.png

  • This panel will be set up and used for managing our web app in future articles.
  • We will write some routes and create an application in the next articles.
  • To stop the server , type Ctrl + C.

    • In this article , we covered the first steps of creating a basic django application.
    • In the next article, we will create a django application and do some url routing.

      dont forget to drop your reactions regards this article. If you learnt something from this material, please leave a comment :)